Modell schreiben (BB: Exercise 1.1.4) – Musterlösung
Consider the following situation: There are four blocks. Two of the blocks are cubical, and two are pyramid shaped. The cubical blocks are small and red. The larger of the two pyramids is green, the smaller is yellow. Three of the blocks are sitting directly on the table, but the small pyramid is sitting on a cube. Devise a suitable vocabulary and present this situation as a model.
Hier findest du eine Musterlösung. Falls dein Modell von dieser Lösung abweicht, heißt dies nicht, dass es falsch ist, da es mehrere mögliche Lösungen für diese Aufgabe gibt.
D = {d1, d2, d3, d4, d5}
F(BLOCK) = {d1, d2, d3, d4}
F(CUBICAL) = {d1, d2}
F(PYRAMID) = {d3, d4}
F(RED) = {d1, d2}
F(SMALL) = {d1, d2}
F(LARGER_THAN) = {(d3, d4)}
F(GREEN) = {d3}
F(YELLOW) = {d4}
F(TABLE) = {d5}
F(SIT_ON) = {(d1, d5), (d2, d5), (d3, d5), (d4, d1)}
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